enga7023 ene1 Min. de lecturaPodcast Jugando frente al Cambio Global CEIP San Claudio (comprimido en Zip)https://www.canva.com/design/DAGdAWUAXGk/LSz_cvlXfS4L1ltTBrbtyQ/edit?utm_content=DAGdAWUAXGk&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&ut...
enga7029 mar 20233 Min. de lecturaJornada divulgación en CEIP San Claudio: Dime qué ecosistema eres y te diré cómo te afecta el fuegoParte del trabajo como investigador es hacer accesible el conocimiento cientÃfico a la sociedad. Para ello, es importante transmitir...
enga707 abr 20221 Min. de lecturaJob offer Master students ERMWe are offering 2 positions at the deparment of Ecology for students from ERM programm (to be officially registered on summer semester is...
enga7016 ago 20213 Min. de lecturaECOFUMER starts movingState of art of ECOFUMER The Iberian Peninsula comprises about 20% of the surface area of the Mediterranean region, being one of the...
enga708 jul 20211 Min. de lecturaJob offersWe are offering 4 contract positions at the University of Granada (IISTA, Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory) within the LifeWatch...
enga7023 abr 20212 Min. de lecturaJob offersThe ETN Skill-For.Action project, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions -...
enga703 mar 20211 Min. de lecturaSummer Felowship Programme in CREAFCREAF (A spanish ecology research institute) is looking undergraduate student from any nationality to make summer practice. Download the...
enga7025 feb 20210 Min. de lecturaPresentation of Peter Reich. What can plant traits tell us about the function of ecosystems?
enga7019 feb 20210 Min. de lectura"The plant coordination" Scientific dissemination report based in our findings (Spanish).
enga7018 feb 20210 Min. de lecturaCambio a Flor de Piel (beutifil short film)Short film directed by Graciela Gil-Romera and Alejandra Vicente de Vera from the Quaternary Palaeoenvironments group from IPE-CSIC