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Publication record

Historial de publicación

Publications: Publicaciones

Septiembre 2023

de la Riva, E.G., Prieto, I., de Tomás Marín, S., Golabvand P., Galán Díaz, J; (2023) Living at the edge: the functional niche occupation of woody plant communities in the submediterranean ecotone. Annals of Botany.

Publications: Publicaciones
Publications: Publicaciones

Abril 2023

de la Riva, E.G.; Ulrich, W. ;Batáry, P. ;Baudry, J. ;Beaumelle, L. ;Bucher, R. ;Cerevková, A. ;Felipe-Lucia, M. ;Galle, R. ;Kesse-Guyot, E. ;Rembialkowska, E. ;Rusch, A. ;Stanley, D. ;Birkhofer, K. From functional diversity to human well-being: A conceptual framework for agroecosystem sustainability. Agricultural systems. DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2023.103659

Publications: Publicaciones

Febrebro 2023

de Tomás Marín, S., Rodríguez-Calcerrada, J., Arenas-Castro, S., Prieto, I., González, G., Gil, L., de la Riva, E. (2023). Fagus sylvatica and Quercus pyrenaica: Two neighbors with few things in common. Forest Ecosystem DOI: 10.1016/j.fecs.2023.100097

Publications: Publicaciones

Enero 2023

de la Riva, E.G., Borden, K., Ostonen, I., Saengwilai, P., Prieto, I. (2023). Editorial: Root functional traits: From fine root to community-level variation. 14:2023 DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1152174

Publications: Publicaciones

Diciembre 2022

Sadeghinia, M., Kargar, M., de la Riva, E.G. (2023). Species richness captures plant functional and phylogenetic diversity variations along different ecosystems on the hillsides of Damavand Mountain (Iran). Arabian Journal of Geosciences. DOI: 10.1007/s12517-022-11141-y

Publications: Publicaciones

Diciembre 2022

Ulrich, W. ;Batáry, P. ;Baudry, J. ;Beaumelle, L. ;Bucher, R. ;Cerevková, A. ;de la Riva, E.G. ;Felipe-Lucia, M. ;Galle, R. ;Kesse-Guyot, E. ;Rembialkowska, E. ;Rusch, A. ;Stanley, D. ;Birkhofer, K. From biodiversity to health: quantifying the impact of diverse ecosystems on human well-being. People and Nature. DOI: 10.1002/pan3.10421

Publications: Publicaciones

Noviembre 2022

Galán Díaz, J., Vilà, M., Parker, I. M., & de la Riva, E. G. Functional assembly of grassland plant species in native communities in Spain and recipient communities in California. Journal of Ecology.

Publications: Publicaciones
Publications: Publicaciones

Noviembre 2021

de la Riva EG, Querejeta JI, Villar R, Pérez-Ramos IM, Marañón T, Galán Díaz J, de Tomás Marín S and Prieto I (2021) The Economics Spectrum Drives Root Trait Strategies in Mediterranean Vegetation. Front. Plant Sci. 12:773118. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.773118

Publications: Publicaciones

Noviembre 2021

Arenas-Navarro, M., Oyama, K., García-Oliva, F., Torres-Miranda, A., de la Riva, E. G., & Terrazas, T. (2021). The role of wood anatomical traits in the coexistence of oak species along an environmental gradient. AoB PLANTS.

Publications: Publicaciones

June 2021

Paterno G., Winkler D., Erickson T., Leger E., Svejcar L., Breed M., Faist A., Harrison P., Curran M., Guo Q., Kirmer A., Law D., Mganga K., Munson S., Porensky D., Quiroga E., Török P., Wainwright C., Abdullahi A., Bahm M, Ballenger E., Barger M., Baughman O., Becker C., Lucas Borja M.E., Boyd C., Burton C., Burton P., Calleja E., Carrick P., Caruana A., Clements C., Davies K., Deák B., Drake J., Dullau S., Eldridge J., Espeland E., Farrell H., Fick S., Garbowski M., de la Riva E.G., Golos P., Grey P., Heydenrych B., Holmes P., James J., Jonas-Bratten J., Kiss R., Kramer A., Larson J., Lorite J., Mayence E., Merino-Martín L., Miglécz T., Milton S., Monaco T., Montalvo A., Navarro-Cano J., Paschke M., Peri P., Pokorny M., Rinella M., Saayman N., Schantz M., Parkhurst T., Seabloom E., Stuble K., Uselman S., Valkó O., Veblen K.d, Wilson S., Wong M., Xu Z. & Suding K. (2021). Drivers of seedling establishment success in dryland restoration efforts. Nature in Ecology and Evolution. 5(9):1-1

Publications: Publicaciones

May 2021

Salazar-Zarzosa, P., Diaz-Herraiz, A., Olmo, M., Ruiz-Benito, P., Barrón, V., Bastias, C., de la Riva, E.G. & Villar R. (2021). Linking functional traits with tree growth and forest productivity in Quercus ilex forests along a climatic gradient. STOTEN.

Publications: Publicaciones

May 2021

Damptey, F., de la Riva, E.G. & Birkhofer, K. (2021). Trade-offs and synergies between food and fodder production and other ecosystem services in an actively restored forest in Ghana.  Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. Doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2021.630959.

Publications: Publicaciones

January 2021

de la Riva, E. G., Prieto, I., Marañón, T., Perez-Ramos, I. M., Olmo, M., & Villar, R. (2021). Root economics spectrum and construction costs in Mediterranean woody plants: the role of symbiotic associations and the environment. Journal of Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13612

Publications: Publicaciones

January 2021

Paniw, M., de la Riva, E. G., & Lloret, F. (2021) Demographic traits improve predictions of spatiotemporal changes in community resilience to drought. Journal of Ecology.

Publications: Publicaciones

December 2020

Zarzosa, P. S., Herraiz, A. D., Olmo, M., Ruiz-Benito, P., Barrón, V., Bastias, C. C.,  de la Riva, E. G. & Villar, R. (2020). Linking functional traits with tree growth and forest productivity in Quercus ilex forests along a climatic gradient. 

bioRxiv. doi:

Publications: Publicaciones

October 2020

Galán Díaz, J. G., de la Riva, E. G., Funk, J. L., & Vilà, M. (2021). Functional segregation of resource-use strategies of native and invasive plants across Mediterranean biome communities. Biological Invasions, 23, 253–266 .

Publications: Publicaciones

June 2020

Damptey, F. G., Birkhofer, K., Nsiah, P. K., & de la Riva, E. G. (2020). Soil properties and biomass attributes in a former gravel mine area after two decades of forest restoration. Land, 9(6), 209.

Publications: Publicaciones
Publications: Publicaciones

May 2020

Galán Díaz, J., de La Riva, E. G., Parker, I. M., Leiva, M. J., Bernardo‐Madrid, R., & Vilà, M. (2020). Plant Community Assembly in Invaded Recipient Californian Grasslands and Putative Donor Grasslands in Spain. Diversity, 12(5), 193.

Publications: Publicaciones
Publications: Publicaciones
Publications: Publicaciones
Publications: Publicaciones

November 2019

Rodríguez-Calcerrada, J., Salomón, R. L., Gordaliza, G. G., Miranda, J. C., Miranda, E., de la Riva, E. G., & Gil, L. (2019). Respiratory costs of producing and maintaining stem biomass in eight co-occurring tree species. Tree physiology, 39(11), 1838-1854.

Publications: Publicaciones
Publications: Publicaciones

December 2017

Villar, R., Ruiz-Benito, P., de la Riva, E. G., Poorter, H., Cornelissen, J. H., & Quero, J. L. (2017). Growth and growth-related traits for a range of Quercus species grown as seedlings under controlled conditions and for adult plants from the field. In Oaks Physiological Ecology. Exploring the Functional Diversity of Genus Quercus L. (pp. 393-417). Springer, Cham.

Publications: Publicaciones

October 2017

de la Riva, E. G., Marañón, T., Pérez-Ramos, I. M., Navarro-Fernández, C. M., Olmo, M., & Villar, R. (2018). Root traits across environmental gradients in Mediterranean woody communities: are they aligned along the root economics spectrum?. Plant and Soil, 424(1), 35-48.

Publications: Publicaciones
Publications: Publicaciones

April 2017

de la Riva, E. G., Violle, C., Pérez-Ramos, I. M., Marañón, T., Navarro-Fernández, C. M., Olmo, M., & Villar, R. (2018). A multidimensional functional trait approach reveals the imprint of environmental stress in Mediterranean woody communities. Ecosystems, 21(2), 248-262.

Publications: Publicaciones
Publications: Publicaciones

April 2017

de la Riva, E. G., Lloret, F., Pérez-Ramos, I. M., Marañón, T., Saura-Mas, S., Díaz-Delgado, R., & Villar, R. (2017). The importance of functional diversity in the stability of Mediterranean shrubland communities after the impact of extreme climatic events. Journal of Plant Ecology, 10(2), 281-293.

Publications: Publicaciones

January 2017

Pérez‐Ramos, I. M., Díaz‐Delgado, R., de la Riva, E. G., Villar, R., Lloret, F., & Marañón, T. (2017). Climate variability and community stability in Mediterranean shrublands: the role of functional diversity and soil environment. Journal of Ecology, 105(5), 1335-1346.

Publications: Publicaciones

August 2016

Navarro‐Fernández, C. M., Pérez‐Ramos, I. M., de la Riva, E. G., Vera, J. R., Roumet, C., Villar, R., & Marañón, T. (2016). Functional responses of Mediterranean plant communities to soil resource heterogeneity: a mycorrhizal trait‐based approach. Journal of Vegetation Science, 27(6), 1243-1253.

Publications: Publicaciones

August 2016

de la Riva, E. G. (2016). Composición y diversidad funcional de plantas leñosas mediterráneas: desde la hoja a la comunidad. Revista Ecosistemas, 25(2), 101-105.

Publications: Publicaciones

August 2016

Lloret, F., de la Riva, E. G., Pérez-Ramos, I. M., Marañón, T., Saura-Mas, S., Díaz-Delgado, R., & Villar, R. (2016). Climatic events inducing die-off in Mediterranean shrublands: are species’ responses related to their functional traits?. Oecologia, 180(4), 961-973.

Publications: Publicaciones

February 2016

de la Riva, E. G., Olmo, M., Poorter, H., Ubera, J. L., & Villar, R. (2016). Leaf mass per area (LMA) and its relationship with leaf structure and anatomy in 34 Mediterranean woody species along a water availability gradient. PloS one, 11(2), e0148788.

Publications: Publicaciones

September 2015

de la Riva, E. G., Tosto, A., Pérez‐Ramos, I. M., Navarro‐Fernández, C. M., Olmo, M., Anten, N. P., ... & Villar, R. (2016). A plant economics spectrum in Mediterranean forests along environmental gradients: is there coordination among leaf, stem and root traits?. Journal of Vegetation Science, 27(1), 187-199.

Publications: Publicaciones

May 2015

de la Riva, E. G., Pérez‐Ramos, I. M., Tosto, A., Navarro‐Fernández, C. M., Olmo, M., Marañón, T., & Villar, R. (2016). Disentangling the relative importance of species occurrence, abundance and intraspecific variability in community assembly: a trait‐based approach at the whole‐plant level in Mediterranean forests. Oikos, 125(3), 354-363.

Publications: Publicaciones

July 2014

Villar, R., Lopez-Iglesias, B., Ruiz-Benito, P., de la Riva, E. G. & Zavala, M. A.,(2014). Crecimiento de plántulas y árboles de seis especies de Quercus. Revista Ecosistemas, 23(2), 64-72.

Publications: Publicaciones

April 2014

de la Riva, E. G., Pérez-Ramos, I., Fernández, C. N., Olmo, M., & Villar, R. (2014). Rasgos funcionales en el género Quercus: estrategias adquisitivas frente a conservativas en el uso de recursos. Revista Ecosistemas, 23(2), 82-89.

Publications: Publicaciones
Publications: Publicaciones
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