We are offering 2 positions at the deparment of Ecology for students from ERM programm (to be officially registered on summer semester is mandatory) within the ECOFUMER project "ECOsystem FUnctioning of sub-Mediterranean Regions: the functional frontier among Mediterranean and Eurosiberian plant communities". (duration: 3 months; salary: around 1000 Eur/month net salary).
Tasks description: field work during 3 months in two mountain regions from Spain (Valdebezana and Hayedo de Montejo). The students will help in floristic surveys and sampling of functional plant traits.
Starting date:15-05-2022.
Person of contact Dr. Enrique García de la Riva; Email:garciade@b-tu.de
More info about the project: https://enriquegdelariva.wixsite.com/ecologywebsite/post/ecofumer-starts-moving